Time for another Giveaway! I have not done one for a while as things have been crazy! I am excited about this give-away, however, and hope others get excited about it too.
Brazier & Co. is a Toy Company in the UK. They contacted me and wanted to use some of my characters in their logo. I then helped them produce the logo below:
They where recently contracted by Sony to create a load of Sackboy figures from the popular game "Little Big Planet". My friend Mark Brazier sent me a few Sack Boy figures out of gratitude for the work I did on his logo.
I am now pleased to give away 3 of these figures (and 2 keychains) for this months giveaway. To enter the give-away competition all you have to do is leave a comment on this blog post ( http://adailydoodle.blogspot.com/2010/
01/little-big-planet-give-away.html ), and shoot me an e-mail letting me know that you left a comment. I NEED the e-mail so I have a way to contact you if you are one of the five winners. Shoot me an e-mail so I can then reply to it to get your address and send you your sack-boy prize!
If you don't think you need or would enjoy a sack-boy figure, please tell some of your friends that you know that might! They are pretty rad!
In the comment I would like you to answer one of the following questions:
1. How can I make ADailyDoodle better?
2. What do you like about ADailyDoodle?
3. How does ADailyDoodle make you feel?
You have until the end of the month, January 31'st to post your comment. I will be selecting the best answers as the 3 winners. I also have 2 Little Big Planet Keychains I will give away for the 2 funniest most bizarre answers. So you have 5 chances of winning.
How to enter:
1. Leave a comment on this post -->
(http://adailydoodle.blogspot.com/2010 /01/little-big-planet-give-away.html)
answering one of the following questions:
# How can I make ADailyDoodle better?
# What do you like about ADailyDoodle?
# How does ADailyDoodle make you feel?
2. Send me a quick email with the subject "Sack Boy Giveaway" and simply write "I left a comment" (Or something to that effect) in the body of the e-mail.
E-mails go to yellowbouncyball[at]gmail.com
What can I win?
You have 3 chances to win a sack-boy figure for the best answer, and 2 chances to win for the most bizarre / funny answer.
What is the deadline?
You have until January 31'st to enter the contest.
Who can enter?
Anybody and everybody! Tell your friends, your kids, your kids friends and your friends kids!